Empowering Busy Dads to Build
Amazing Families
And Thriving Businesses

Do you struggle to spend time with your family?

Are you in the room, but not there?

How many important events have you missed due to business?

Often, growing business takes precedence over family, leaving us feeling guilty and unsatisfied.
Thriving Business Dad supports Dads to:

• Be more engaged in life.
• Have more energy.
• Be better leaders at home and in the business.


This pathway has been designed and developed after years of research and experience working with you as a Business Dad. The pathway includes online coaching, a supporting curriculum, lectures, and weekly calls with Lee Eldridge.

The work is done alongside a group of like-minded peers to help and support any struggles. There are only 10 business dads allowed on each pathway. 

The programme's outcome is to give you practical tools and an accountable action tribe to support change and development.

Thriving Business Dads Has Worked
With Some Amazing Organisations and People

lee Eldridge

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!

These were the shouts from my daughter in November 2021!! She wanted me to play with her, and I took three shouts with increasing volume to get my attention.

Wow, in my head, I said to myself, “this is not what I signed up for when starting a business”. I knew it would be hard work, but I had lost focus on what was truly driving me.

Having spent the last eight years in corporate coaching, listening to senior executives and business owners talk about their lack of relationship with their families affected them.

Now, I was in the same place.

From the outside, these guys had it all: houses, cars, children in private schools and all the trimmings of success (or what we think success looks like).

For the last 20 years, I have been coaching people to improve their performance. I understood their challenges and worked with them to develop, getting them to their outcome. 

My question was:

Can I build and run a business and be the best dad possible?

I needed to step back, reassess and understand the challenge. I did that; I interviewed 75-plus business dads to understand what was happening. I developed the business

Dad pathway from research using my experience and knowledge of elite-level performance and business.

You're a Dad.
You're a business owner.

You've put your heart and soul into your company, working long hours, sleepless nights, and endless meetings. You've sacrificed so much for the sake of your business, and you're proud of what you've accomplished.

But there's one thing that keeps gnawing at the back of your mind: your children. They're growing up fast, and you don't want to miss out on their childhood. You want to be there for them, to see them grow and flourish, but at the same time, you can't neglect your business.

The struggle is real. Being a dad is tough, and running a business is no walk in the park. But being a business dad?

That's a whole different ballgame.

You constantly feel torn between two worlds: the world of your business and the world of family. You're always on call, always connected, always juggling a million things at once. And it can be overwhelming.

But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way. You can be a successful business owner and a loving, engaged dad.

You can have both, and you don't have to sacrifice one for the other.

Are you tired of neglecting your family?

I was struggling to maintain focus and found myself stuck in a cycle of procrastination and doubt in my day-to-day professional life, which often overspilled into family life too. I felt that often I was simply not present either at work or at home. Working with Lee has given me the tools to think with clarity and create a process-based decision-making strategy. The results have bought tremendous productivity in my work life and full, rewarding engagement with my family.
CEO Tech Company

Who is the
pathway for

This pathway is for stressed business Dads, passionate about driving their business forward while also being the best Dad they can be.

One Dad who I coach, said - 

"There is never enough time in the day and I struggle to be present as a dad."  

If you don't have time to commit to pathway, then the pathway is for you!!!!

How is the pathway structured

The pathway lasts ten weeks and is a mix of online study, resources, live coaching and an accountability tribe.

After each coaching session, you will be given action points to go and create change.

The Pathway will challenge, encourage, and ultimately lead to you to a successful outcome.

Everyone on the pathway will be encouraged to share their experience and reflect on their progress.

When does the pathway start

Our next intake starts on -

Monday 12th November 2024, and lasts ten weeks.

The ten weeks is built around.

5 x 45-mins Group Sessions

5 x 45-mins 1:2:1 Sessions

There is only space for ten Business Dads allowed on a pathway.

Programme Outline

week 1

Starting Point: Understanding Pillars

Week 2

Vision, Values and Purpose

Week 3

Decision Making

Week 4

Transformational Leadership

Week 5

Performance Habits

Week 6

Energy Management

Week 7

Stress Tolerance

Week 8

Sleep and Recovery

Week 9

Performance Environment

Week 10

Review and Plan

The pathway is NOT for everyone.

You need to be willing to do the work – the business dads pathway and peer group can only take you so far.

The question is, are you willing to do the work outside the business dads pathway?

The business dads pathway is the starting point to change; it is not the answer to your problems.

We are all individuals; the business dads pathway is designed to give you the tools and allow you to ask the right questions.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the business dad pathway take to complete?
The course is 10 weeks long; however, once completed, you can access the resources forever.
How long do the sessions last?
Each group and 1:2:1 session will last 45 minutes in total.
What is the cost to enroll?
The cost of the pathway is £1595.
Is there a guarantee?
I offer the following guarantee:

If you are not 100% happy with the coaching, your full payment is refunded with 30 days of the coaching starting.
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